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Indian spices

Where is the best place to buy indian spices in bulk around Catral please


I was watching a program on T.V called something like “bargin lovin Brits” I will leave you to work out what it was about.
Well they showed 2 ladies out side the little English Shop by the petrol station near the arches, in Quesada, they had set up a little sample table of Indian food which they sold in pre made up kits, it had all the spices in so you could cook it yourself at home.

They Said they had started the business because it was so hard to get spices in Spain, if you can track them down then I am sure they can help you.

Commented Team ASL in La Marina 2018-03-21 19:59:00 UTC

We were on it... the film crew were here for 4 hours for 3 minutes of footage... filming the pie lady delivering to us... love a home made pie

Commented steve in Quesada 2018-03-22 11:10:32 UTC